Bad Drivers Make These 6 Mistakes. These Driving Tips Will Fix Them

A roomy cabin and a higher driver's seat made driving the Toyota Crown a breeze. Credit: Kim S

A roomy cabin and a higher driver's seat made driving the Toyota Crown a breeze.

There’s really no excuse for being a bad driver. But they are out there, making too-wide turns, drifting in and out of their lane, speeding and slowing randomly. They may seem like a menace, or impaired, but it’s more likely the driver’s car just isn’t set up properly.

These are the 6 biggest— and easiest to fix— mistakes drivers make before they hit the road and driving tips to fix them.

Video: Learning Winter Driving On a Snowy Track!

This story is 100% human researched and written based on actual first-person knowledge, extensive experience and expertise on the subject of cars and trucks. No AI was used.

1. Your seat is too low

Credit: Scotty Reiss

Driving Tips for Perfectly Set a Driver’s Seat

Credit: Scotty Reiss

2. You Don’t Turn Around When Backing up

Credit: Scotty Reiss

Driving Tips for the Proper Way To Back Up — and Cameras Are Just One Tool

Credit: Scotty Reiss

3. Your Mirrors Are Set Wrong.

Credit: Scotty Reiss

Driving Tips for Setting Your Side View Mirrors

Credit: Scotty Reiss

4. You’re Sitting Too Close to the Steering Wheel.

Credit: Scotty Reiss

Driving Tips for Adjusting Your Distance From the Steering Wheel

Credit: Nissan

5. Your Hands are in the Wrong Place

Credit: Scotty Reiss

Driving Tips for Proper Hand Position on the Steering Wheel

Credit: Scotty Reiss

6. Your Handbag is in the Wrong Place

Credit: Scotty Reiss

Driving Tips for Best Purse Placement In the Car

Credit: Scotty Reiss
Journalist, entrepreneur and mom. Expertise includes new cars, family cars, 3-row SUVs, child passenger car seats and automotive careers ... More about Scotty Reiss
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