The Nasty Task of Cleaning Puke Out of Your Car: Here’s How to Do It

You Have The Nasty Task Of Cleaning Puke Out Of Your Car. Knowing How To Clean Vomit Out Of Your Car Is The First Step. Here Are Tips On How To Do It.

A clean-smelling car is just a few minutes away.

Kids can get sick in the car for many reasons. It can result from transporting them to the doctor or because they’re experiencing car sickness. With two children, I’ve had all kinds of experiences with bodily fluids – from urine to vomit – getting all over my car’s interior. Cleaning puke out of your car is one of the most unpleasant experiences to deal with. You have the chunks from whatever they ate, the fluid, and then the smell

The smell of vomit is one of those things that can linger if not tackled right away. If you find yourself dealing with a puking incident, make sure to act quickly. Be sure to clean up the mess with appropriate cleaning supplies and techniques. Doing so will help keep your car clean and hygienic for future trips.

Here are the supplies, cleaners, and instructions for cleaning puke out of your car, whether that be the seats, carpets, or floor mats.

Related: How to Prepare for Unexpected Car Sickness

Fill A Bucket With Warm Water And Mix In A Cup Of White Vinegar—This Solution Will Help Eliminate Stubborn Smells That Linger After Puke Has Been Cleaned Up.

What should you do if your child pukes in the car?

I remember being on our way back from Washington, D.C. when, out of nowhere, our daughter began to vomit. I caught whatever I could in my hand. Yes, I know, gross! Luckily, I had a roll of paper towels and bags in the backseat with us to clean up and catch anything left over. When it was safe, my husband pulled over to the side of the road. This allowed us to better assess the situation and clean a bit more until we got home, where we could do a more thorough cleaning.

First: Roll down the windows, pull over, and turn off the AC!

If you find yourself in a similar situation while on the road, it’s important to act quickly. If you’re driving, pull over when it’s safe, and then turn off all fans and air conditioning. Open windows for ventilation because fresh air will help your sick child and help air out the car a bit.

Cleaning Supplies

You’ll want to use paper towels to clean up any chunks. If you have sanitizing wipes on hand, wipe down the hard surfaces (except the car seat) that the vomit may have touched. The real cleaning will begin when you get home.

When preparing to clean vomit out of your car, lay down old newspaper (or whatever paper/magazines you have) beneath where you’ll be working. This helps to keep any mess contained within this designated area.

Once that’s done, gather cleaning agents. If you want to go the natural route, you can use household items like white vinegar and baking soda. You can also try a store-bought enzyme cleaner. Grab towels and rags that you may not want to ever use again because we’re talking about puke. Yuck! Let’s not forget gloves. I’d suggest a really long pair because who wants to touch vomit with their bare hands? I know I don’t.

Now that you have all your cleaning supplies, it is time to get to work. 

Related: How to Remove Gum From Your Car’s Exterior

Cleaning Puke From Car Carpet. Vacuum Chunks Of Vomit From Carpet And Mat.

Cleaning Puke out of Your Car Carpets

When cleaning puke out of your car carpets, you will want to start by vacuuming the area. This will remove any chunks or debris from the surface. Afterward, pat the area dry using paper towels or cloths. Once all liquid messes are removed/absorbed from the car carpets, it’s time to really get down to business – scrubbing! 

Cleaning Puke out of Car Floor Mats

For cleaning vomit out of floor mats, start by gently lifting the mat to remove any chunks of vomit that may have made it through to the carpeted section below. A plastic spatula can be used to scrape off anything stuck to the mat. Use damp towels or rags soaked in soap mixed with warm water (or diluted bleach if necessary) to clean off all surfaces thoroughly. And then allow the mats to air dry completely.

Once everything is clean and dry, use an odor-eliminating spray throughout the car’s interior to get rid of any lingering smells. Now, your car should be looking good as new – all thanks to your hard work! 

Related: How to Clean Your Car Like a Pro

What Types of Cleaners are Best for Removing Puke Odors?

Enzyme cleaners are the ideal solution for eliminating both the stain and odor associated with vomit. Enzyme cleaners contain powerful, natural enzymes that seek out organic matter and break it down. This removes puke residue from both surfaces and fabrics.

Unlike bleach or strong chemical solutions, enzyme cleaners are safe to use around children and pets. I like that they don’t leave a heavy scent behind like other harsh cleaning agents do. Enzyme cleaners will even loosen long-set stains from hard-to-reach places like carpets, cracks in car upholstery, floor mats, etc. 

In addition to enzyme cleaners, there are several other cleaning products that can be used to tackle puke stains. Good Housekeeping recommends white vinegar and baking soda, while laundry detergent, ammonia solution, and diluted bleach are also popular choices.

White vinegar is a great all-purpose cleaner for both surfaces and fabrics – plus it’s cheap and safe to use. Laundry detergent is good for removing liquid messes from car carpets, mats, and other fabrics. Ammonia solution (1 part ammonia to 4 parts water) can be used on non-fabric surfaces like vinyl or plastic. While diluted bleach (1 part bleach to 10 parts water) is highly effective, this should only be used as a last resort when other methods fail because it can stain fabrics and cause skin irritation.

Resolve Urine Destroyer Is An Enzyme Cleaner That'S Great For Cleaning Vomit From A Car. It Removes Vomit Odors And More.

Which Enzyme Cleaners are Best?

Our family has experience with using Resolve Urine Destroyer for removing both urine and vomit odors from upholstery including car carpets and mattresses. In our experience, it has been an effective and easy-to-use solution for cleaning up our kid’s vomit. Enzyme cleaners are designed to eliminate odors and stains caused by body fluids such as vomit, urine, and other liquids.

Both my husband and I love how quickly it works, too. All it takes is a simple spray on the affected area. And then you let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off with water or wiping it away with a dry cloth.

Because we have a toddler, it’s important that the cleaning solutions we use are non-toxic. The Resolve Urine Destroyer is non-toxic. It has been tested to be safe on carpets, fabric, upholstery, floor mats, and more. In addition, it contains odor neutralizers that help further reduce odors caused by vomit.

Resolve Urine Destroyer Is An Enzyme Cleaner That'S Great For Cleaning Puke From Your Car. It Removes Vomit Odors And More.

Below is a list of other cleaners that have been shown to quickly break down vomit.

  • Biokleen Bac-Out – It is formulated with natural, live enzymes and essential oils to quickly break down organic compounds such as vomit and other stains.
  • OxiClean – OxiClean is an all-purpose cleaner that has enzymes to remove odors, dirt, and tough stains.
  • Nature’s Miracle – Nature’s Miracle produces a variety of enzymatic cleaners designed to safely and effectively remove pet messes from carpets, fabrics, and upholstery.

Be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions before applying any product to your car interior.

Being Prepared is Key to a Puke-Free Car

Kids getting sick in the car can be an unpleasant experience for everyone. It’s important to remember to take precautions, so you don’t have to clean puke out of your car. If your child is not feeling well, be sure to keep an eye out for signs of nausea or discomfort such as dizziness and sweating.  If they are prone to motion sickness then bring a plastic bag, and make sure they eat bland food before you get on the road.

And if it’s safe to do so, have them sit in the center seat of the car so they can look out the front window. And of course, be armed with the supplies you’ll need for a cleanup if vomiting occurs.

Related: How To Prevent Car Sickness So Everyone Enjoys The Trip

Cleaning puke out of your car may seem like an intimidating task, but if done properly, it can lead to great results and a clean, odor-free car! Make sure you follow these steps for the best outcomes – Happy Cleaning!

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Kim Smith is a 30-something-year-old wife and do-it-all mom of two beautiful daughters; her rainbow babies. As if working ... More about Kim S.
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