6 Ways to Make a Classic Car Show Fun for Everyone

A Girls Guide To Cars | 6 Ways To Make A Classic Car Show Fun For Everyone - Car 1955Fordtbird 75A2710 Sbc E1487286162909
1955 Ford Thunderbird

Make a Classic Car Show Feel Like More Than a Walk Through Automotive History

Have you ever been to a Classic Car Show or gathering? Do you ever check out your local clubs when they have an event? The Inaugural Classic Auto Show in Los Angeles was a museum full of art and history in the form of automobiles. It was so much more than a gathering of gearheads and enthusiasts ogling one another’s cars. Don’t think for a moment that a classic car show is just a “guy” thing!


How to Get the Whole Family Excited about the Classic Car Show

If you are a classic car enthusiast, you’d have been content chasing celebrity autographs of the restoration rockstars like Chris Jacobs of Discovery Channel’s Overhaulin’ and Dave Kindig of Velocity’s Bitchin’ Rides. Perhaps you have been tinkering away on a “project” in the garage for far too long – here, you’ll find just the inspiration, ideas, and means necessary to finally finish it. And whatever classic car you favor, you’ll find plenty of peers to share your enthusiasm.

Women Rock The La Classic Auto Show.

If you just want to check out some cool cars, no matter what you’re interest or level of knowledge about classics, here are some great ideas for the whole family to have a blast at a Classic Car Show.

1. Find Your First Car

Everybody remembers their first car. Perhaps you remember all the stories you listened to about a parent’s first car. A Classic Auto Show is a great place to see if you can find a restored version of your first set of wheels.

1966 Ford Mustang, The Writer'S First Car.

Don’t hate, but it just so happens my first car was a 1966 6-cylinder Ford Mustang Pony Edition. I loved the ease of repairs on my straight-6. I learned to change the oil and tires myself! Seriously, how many teenagers are doing that today? Well, at the Classic Auto Show there were plenty of early Mustangs on show, and a few Pony models too.

Related: I Took My Son to the Ford Bronco Off-Roadeo Where He Learned About Himself and Off-Roading

Mustang Logo At The La Classic Auto Show.

2. Find Cars from Popular Songs

This is a fun one. Think of any song that has the name of a car in it, and look for that car (or something close). Here are a few that I came up with:

1968 Corvette At The La Classic Auto Show. A Girls Guide To Cars | 6 Ways To Make A Classic Car Show Fun For Everyone - Cars Lowriders 6951 Sbc Chevy Camaro At The La Classic Auto Show.

3. Find the Ultimate Surfin’ Safari Car or Camper

So now that you can’t get the Beach Boys out of your head, you might be dreaming of going on a “Surfing Safari.” If you don’t surf, perhaps you kayak, canoe, or need racks for skis. Here are some contenders:

A Girls Guide To Cars | 6 Ways To Make A Classic Car Show Fun For Everyone - Cars Larkbystudebaker 75A2608 Sbc 1 1967 Vw Squareback

For the win: Another Volkswagen, the 1961 Westfalia SO23 Camper, hands down. I would camp right her eright now in this VW on the Convention Center floor if they’d let me.

1961 Vs Wesphalia S023 Camper At The La Classic Auto Show.

4. Locate the Ultimate Cross-Country Road Trip Vehicle

For driving across the country, say, on Route 66, my ideal car is a convertible, has plenty of space for luggage, and very comfy seats.

Cadillace V16 Roadster At The La Classic Auto Show. When The Luggage Matches The Upholstery At The La Classic Auto Show. Daytona At The La Classic Auto Show.

5. Find the Ultimate Drive-In Movie Make-Out Mobile

When it comes to the perfect wheels for a date at the drive-in movies, most (of us who remember) prefer ample space in front, ideally a bench seat. Most of Americana would be favoring Chevrolets, Buicks, and perhaps these:

1958 Pontiac At The La Classic Auto Show. Classic Cadillac Front Seat At The La Classic Auto Show.

My taste was more refined. Since I studied French in high school, it only made sense that I dated a guy who drove a Citroen when he picked me up to go to the movies. Yep, that French car that raises and lowers, and made for a real sweet ride.

A Girls Guide To Cars | 6 Ways To Make A Classic Car Show Fun For Everyone - Cars Citroen 75A2653 Sbc

6. Play Scavenger Hunt Classic Car BINGO

Entertain the kids (and yourself) by making a list of special car features to find at the show. Start with these:

      • Rumble Seat
      • White Rim Wheel
      • AM Radio Button
      • Wooden Steering Wheel
      • Hood Ornaments


Don’t Miss a Classic Auto Show in Your Area

If you missed the Inaugural LA Classic Auto Show, there are more to come. The LA dates are already set for next year, March 2-4, 2018, so you can start planning now to attend this show next year! There also are classic car shows, cruise nights and other events celebrating class cars in cities across the country, like these on the West Coast of Florida, these in South Florida and these in the Midwest.  In California, check out the Automobile Driving Museum, currently featuring the special exhibit  “A Woman’s Touch” portraying the history of women in the automotive industry.  Whether you are in southern California or anywhere else, next time you hear about a classic car show, parade, or gathering, be sure to bring the whole family for a fun day of discovery.

Think Classic Car Shows Are Only For Guys And Gearheads? Not True! There'S Plenty To Entice The Family And These 6 Tips Will Ensure Everyone Finds Something To Love About A Classic Car Show!

Based in Cardiff by the Sea, California, Kymri is a freelance travel photographer, writer, and videographer. Between travels, she ... More about Kymri WIlt
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