Three Car Features That Make The School Pick Up Line Easier

Best Car Features That Ease The Pain Of The School Pick Up Line.

As parents, the school pick up line is one of those tasks that can be daunting.

In a perfect world, a chauffeur might pick up the kids and transport them home, or maybe they come home in a preapproved Uber. I know many of us dread the school pick up line, but there are ways to make it easier. We’ve yet to figure out how to get car manufacturers to install mani/pedi stations in the car (that would make the task a lot more fun!), however, we’ve found three features that can make your daily drive through the line much quicker and easier.

Magic At The Push Of A Button

Three Car Features That Make The School Pick Up Line Easier

When you are in the school pick up line one of the hardest things to do is getting out of the car so that you can open the door for your child. Not only do you get the dirty looks from the ten other people behind you in line, because you are taking to long, you also have to deal with it being extremely cold and freezing (or if you’re from Florida sweating to death). So when you look for certain cars to ease that aspect of life for you, a car with sliding doors can be magic. The ease of just having to push a button for your kids to hop in or out of the car is great and efficient. And, they can make it easier for you to hop in and strap in passengers who need help with their seatbelts. Most cars with sliding doors are vans, however, you can hope that in the future soon SUV’s will have this feature.

Read More: No Minivan Shame: 6 Reasons A Minivan is the Best Thing Ever

Three Car Features That Make The School Pick Up Line Easier

 Entertainment While You Wait

Let’s face it while waiting in line you try to be the first one there, which means sometimes you are an hour early. This is where great technology needs to come into play – I know from a mom’s perspective. I look for capable and easy-to-use infotainment systems, with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto capability. Bluetooth phone connectivity, USB ports, and Wi-fi are also a must especially if you have a business. You can work while waiting for the kids to get off school or sporting events. Technology can also save you on the ride home when you have a DVD to entertain impatient or tired passengers.

Read More: Minivan vs SUV: Which Is Right For You? The Debate Continues…

Three Car Features That Make The School Pick Up Line Easier

Space is the Key to Everything

Along with the school pick up line comes the possibility of being part of a carpool, which in that case means you may have a lot of extra stuff to pile in. Having enough trunk space is essential, especially when you have more than four kids in the car. Most Minivans and SUVs are space filled family vehicles, but some are ‘friendlier’ than others.

Read More: Can You Love a Minivan? 7 Head-Turning Features–You Might Just Fall in Love!

Three Car Features That Make The School Pick Up Line Easier

With a car that is properly equipped for the school pick up line, you are ready for a smooth-sailing year ahead.

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