Stay Safe in a Flood: Don’t Drive Through That Water

Hurricane season brings with it flooding and right now, parts of US are getting unprecedented amounts of rain. The news is full of pictures of the damage and much of it includes cars that have been swept away by rising watesr. Floods are dangerous and driving through even what looks like shallow water across the road could carry away your car and you could drown.
Just Turn Around
Everyone is anxious to get home when the weather is bad. We want to get off the roads, but sometimes it’s safer to go the long way. All it takes is 12 inches of rushing water to carry away a small car. Think your car is big enough? Think again. Most vehicles can be swept away in just 2 feet of water. It’s always safer to turn around and find another route.
Don’t Become a Statistic
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half of flood-related drownings involve a vehicle. It might be a big hunk of metal, but it is not designed to handle unpredictable flood waters. Once washed away, vehicles can become stuck on debris. Rising waters can entirely submerge a stuck vehicle turning trapped occupants into statistics. Don’t be one.
No one wants to spend extra time driving home in bad weather or risk not being able to get home because of flooding. It’s an inconvenience, but it’s a far better option than taking a chance in flood waters and never making it home at all.
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