Safety From All Sides: Car Seats

Car Seats to Get New Crash Test Standards?
As the City Council in New York City is seeking to lower speed limits to safeguard pedestrians, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) proposed requiring the first ever side-impact crash test for child safety seats.
Currently, car safety seats are tested only for how well they protect children in head on collisions – but this is obviously not the only type of car crash. But you may notice when you buy a car seat that many car seat manufacturers make claims that their child safety seats protect children against side crashes. The proposed regulations will set standards so parents can choose a safe seat.
Parents are also contantly reminded to make sure that their car seats are installed correctly. The NHTSA even offers child car seat inspection stations where technicians inspect your car, free, to make sure the child safety seat is installed properly. Wouldn’t it also be nice to know that that correctly installed car seat is also protecting the baby?
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