Danica Patrick Attracts Attention In a Pink Camaro–For Breast Cancer Awareness

A Girls Guide To Cars | Danica Patrick Attracts Attention In A Pink Camaro--For Breast Cancer Awareness - Chevygodaddydanicapatrick01
Danica Patrick in the pink GoDaddy Camaro

ImgresThe guys in the NFL and MLB do it. Professional football and baseball players, donning pink cleats and pink ribbons, using pink gloves and pink bats in October.

Now professional racecar drivers are getting in on the act.

And some of those drivers are even women.

NASCAR race driver Danica Patrick kicked off National Breast Cancer Awareness Month with her pink Chevrolet Camaro SS pace car. The GoDaddy car is usually green.

Danica Patrick In The Pink Godaddy Camaro


Judy Antell, who is TravelingMom.com's Free in 50 States editor, lives in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with her husband and ... More about Judy Antell
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