Nissan’s Self Cleaning Car

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Self Cleaning Car
Half of this Nissan has a special paint job, making it a self cleaning car.

Nissan’s Prototype Self Cleaning Paint Repels Dirt

Washing your own car is fun – once, maybe twice. Then it becomes a chore. And going to the car wash can be expensive, time consuming and damaging to a car. Enter the self cleaning car.

The Japanese automaker Nissan has a prototype paint that actually repels dirt, rain and oil.

Put us on the waitlist.

In a Nissan video, a Versa Note is put to the test; half the car is coated with the special paint, while the other half has the regular paint. After the car goes through mud puddles, the Note will the special coating is remarkably cleaner.

Now, if Nissan can just program in a little butler that sweeps out the car after my kids have been in it, we would be in heaven. And, can we have an extra can of the paint to use in the kids rooms, too?

Watch the video here:

Judy Antell, who is's Free in 50 States editor, lives in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with her husband and ... More about Judy Antell
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