All Over the Map? Gas Prices Are, Too
Gas Prices Vary Widely By Region
If you live in, or drive around New York City, you expect high gasoline prices, but it turns out that gas prices across the country vary widely.
An article in the New York Times analyzed prices around the country; they are highest in California (which may be why so many people drive hybrids and electric cars) and lowest in Missouri and Arkansas.
Some of the differences are the result of political unrest; East Coast oil comes from Libya, Iraq, Nigeria and Russia. The high prices in California come from maintenance issues at West Coast refineries, while cheap Canadian oil benefits Midwestern drivers.
Overall, the average price for a gallon of regular gas is just about the same as last year. To save money on gas, you can also download an app that helps you find cheaper gas nearby.
Of course, if you drive in Europe, you will find sharply higher gas prices, along with gasoline sold by the liter, in a different currency making price comparisons even more difficult.
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