Fred The Rescue Dog Makes it ‘Home’ For Christmas: Operation Frodo, 20 Journalists and the 23 Rescue Dogs They Drove Cross Country

Operation Frodo Rescue Dogs
The Beagles of Operation Frodo 2024Credit: Jim Trainor

I’m telling you this story because I want you to pause, feel your heart melt a little, maybe tear up a bit. There are Beagles, lots of snuggles and waggy tails. And if you’re the kind who likes to see hard-knuckled journalists soften into a puddle of emotion, you, like these rescue dogs, are in luck.

And, I’m editing this story a few days after we first published it with an update: Fred the Beagle will make it to his new home in Portland, OR in time for Christmas.

In mid-December, a group of automotive journalists embarked on an annual tradition, Operation Frodo, to drive a group of Beagles cross-country to foster and adoptive homes in Salt Lake City, Portland, OR and Seattle. But Fred had a sadder story than the rest; he didn’t make the cut for Operation Frodo and was left behind in foster care. His brother Melvyn, though, made it on board and soon was on his way to a new home … just not the home that was his original destination.

This story is 100% human researched and written based on actual first-person knowledge, extensive experience and expertise on the subject of cars and trucks.

Operation Frodo Started With a Simple Mission: To Rescue a Beagle

Nik Miles With The Original Frodo Rescue Dog
Credit: Nik Miles

Frodo Wasn’t Alone, Unfortunately 

Operation Frodo Rescue Dogs Teia Collier And Tanya Gazdik
Credit: Teia Collier

Operation Frodo Becomes A Mission for Nik’s Work Family

Operation Frodo Rescue Dogs Orange Beanies
Credit: Teia Collier

When You Hear This, Your Heart Sinks

Beverly Braga With Operation Frodo Rescue Dogs Harvey Briggs
Credit: Harvey Briggs

The Uncomfortable Ask Leads to a Brighter Future For These Rescue Dogs 

A Girls Guide To Cars | Fred The Rescue Dog Makes It 'Home' For Christmas: Operation Frodo, 20 Journalists And The 23 Rescue Dogs They Drove Cross Country - Operation Frodo Rescue Dog Harvey Briggs
Credit: Harvey Briggs

Car Makers Use Their Cars For Good

Operation Frodo Rescue Dogs
Credit: Teia Collier

Long Drives Are a Natural For This Group

Operation Frodo Rescue Dogs
Credit: Tanya Gazdik

Weather Won’t Ruin a Worthy Mission 

Operation Frodo Rescue Dogs
Credit: Harvey Briggs

And Then, the Real Reason: Giving a Sweet Soul a Chance at Happiness

A Girls Guide To Cars | Fred The Rescue Dog Makes It 'Home' For Christmas: Operation Frodo, 20 Journalists And The 23 Rescue Dogs They Drove Cross Country - Operation Frodo Rescue Dogs Gracie Sam Abuelsamid
Credit: Sam Abuelsamid

And Then, One of the Rescue Dogs Went to … Detroit?!?

Operation Frodo Rescue Dogs
Credit: Paul Eisenstein

A 23rd Rescue? Meed Fred the Beagle

Fred The Beagle
Credit: Paul Eisenstein

It’s Not Often You Get to Save a Life—and Improve Your Own 

Nik Miles Operation Frodo Rescue Dogs
Credit: Harvey Briggs
Journalist, entrepreneur and mom. Expertise includes new cars, family cars, 3-row SUVs, child passenger car seats and automotive careers ... More about Scotty Reiss
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