Less Frequent Trips to the Gas Station: US Fuel Economy At Record High

Fuel Economy

Fuel EconomyDespite the popularity of SUVs and crossovers, the fuel economy of US vehicles rises.

Environmentalists can celebrate: US vehicles are at a an all time high, with 2013 models hitting an average of 24.1 miles per gallon. Not only has fuel economy increased in eight of the last nine years, but average carbon dioxide emissions are also at an all time low.

The Environmental Protection Agency just released a report on fuel economy and carbon dioxide emissions trends, showing Mazda vehicles averaging the highest fuel economy and lowest greenhouse gas emissions.

Nissan vehicles were the most improved in terms of average fuel economy and greenhouse gas reductions.

And good news for fans of SUVs: that class of vehicles show the greatest improvement overall.

President Obama’s Clean Car Program projects to double fuel economy by 2025, saving drivers money and saving the environment to boot. The White House says “Americans will save a total of $1.7 trillion in fuel costs and reduce oil consumption by more than 2 million barrels per day.”

And then think of all the boots you can buy with the savings!

Judy Antell, who is TravelingMom.com's Free in 50 States editor, lives in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with her husband and ... More about Judy Antell
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