“Safe Enough” is Not Enough When It Comes to Infant and Child Passenger Safety

Britax Introduces Its Safest Infant Car Seat Ever. Take a “Test Drive” and Enter To Win One of More Than 30 Car Seats!
This post and car seat giveaways are part of a campaign sponsored by Britax.
At the Britax headquarters in Fort Mill, South Carolina, the entrance hall is festooned with thank you notes and photos from families grateful that a car seat saved the life of their child. The company calls it their “Wall of Pride,” and it is a visible reminder of the importance of what they do. But they are even prouder of their #1 safety rating: Britax makes some of the safest car seats on the market.
Get a Look at Endeavours, and Advice from a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician, With Britax, Lexus and AGirlsGuidetoCars
This month, just in time for Child Passenger Safety Week, Britax is introducing its newest car seat, the Endeavours infant car seat. To demonstrate the seat and help parents better understand critical safety information, Britax is collaborating with Lexus dealers to hold a series of events around the country the week of September 18th. Parents can stop by, check out the new Endeavours infant cat seat and ask questions of a certified child passenger safety technician on hand for the day (scroll down for the schedule and to enter to win an Endeavours car seat).
A History of Safety Innovation Leads to an Even Safer Endeavours Infant Car Seat
Britax’s commitment to safety drives the company’s desire to innovate even safer car seats. The company created the LATCH, or Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children system, and when the federal government wanted to make it law for all automakers to incorporate the system, Britax gave up the right to its patent.
Britax also introduced the first 5-point harness system in North America, the first shock absorbing seats and the company continues to test seats in side-impact crash tests even though they are not required to do so by the federal government. And with the market’s first energy-absorbing head restraint design, they set proprietary internal testing standards for head and neck stability with a second layer of side impact protection.
Endeavours takes that commitment even further by introducing two advanced safety features: an anti-rebound bar and a European belt guide.
The anti-rebound bar, an inverted U-shaped bar that attaches to the foot of the seat where it meets the back of the vehicle’s seat, prevents the infant seat from rocking forward, or rebounding, into the vehicle seat in a crash; the bar can reduce rebound by up to 30%. This adds amazing stability and protects your baby’s head from potentially hitting the seat back even though securely strapped into the car seat.
In testing for U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, Britax found the ARB minimizes the risk of injury to rear-facing children by reducing rebound rotation and stabilizes the car seat during a collision from any side of the vehicle.
The European seatbelt guide provides the safest possible way to secure the infant car seat carrier by guiding the shoulder strap around the back of the Endeavours seat. With both the hip belt and shoulder belt securing the seat, it’s even more secure.
What is the difference between the European and US infant car seat safety belt guide? We found out.
Safer, Easier to Install Seats Means Safer Babies
Shockingly, half or more of all child car seats are not installed properly. This inspired Britax to design its ClickTight seat that provides a simple answer to installing car seats. Thread the seatbelt through the seat, click the seat bottom closed and voila, the seat is strapped in as tightly as possible. If you have ever had to sit in a car seat yourself to ensure it fit snugly in your vehicle, you’ll appreciate this.
Even with all the safety innovations, the statistics are sobering when it comes to children and car seat safety:
- According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, every 33 seconds one child under the age of 13 is involved in a crash
- Road injuries are the leading cause of unintentional deaths to children in the United States.
- Children should ride in a vehicle back seat until they are at least 13 years old
- Of those children ages 8 and under who died in vehicle crashes in 2014, 26 percent were not restrained by an age-appropriate device such as an infant seat, booster seat or seat belt
- It’s estimated that more than half–and as many as three quarters–of all child car seats are not properly installed
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKmve-VhGtg[/embedyt]
We took a tour of Britax headquarters in South Carolina to see their commitment to style and safety
See Endeavours For Yourself and Enter to win one!
Attend one of the Endeavours Infant Car Seat events, co-hosted by AGirlsGuidetoCars, at one of seven Lexus dealers around the country, and get a demonstration of the seat’s features, including:
- The European Belt Guide, which is perfect for travel and city living because it doesn’t require use of the seat base. When getting around via taxi, Uber, or Lyft, this belt guide makes it much easier – and faster – to belt in your infant seat.
- SafeCenter LATCH makes it simple to tighten and secure the infant car seat base in your vehicle.
- Two layers of side impact protection (a deep foam-lined shell and quick-adjust head protection) absorb energy and shield your child.
- SafeCell Impact Protection is an integrated system of safety components that work to protect your child beyond federal standards.
Win One of Seven Brand-New Britax Endeavours Infant Car Seats!
Britax, AGirlsGuidetoCars and Lexus are hosting events and seat giveaways at participating Lexus dealerships during Child Passenger Safety Week. RSVP to events in these towns and learn how to enter to win one of the seats shown at the event. And be sure to share the event details; a total of more than 30 seats will be given away!
#TestDriveParenthood Event RSVP
Test Drive Parenthood Event Locations:
- Tuesday, September 19 @ 11 A.M. – 2 P.M.
- Wednesday, September 20 @ 11 A.M. – 2 P.M.
- Thursday, September 21 @ 11 A.M. – 2 P.M.
To enter to win one of seven Britax Endeavours infant car seats from AGirlsGuidetoCars, just follow the prompts below and you’re in. And, follow #TestDriveParenthood on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for additional giveaway opportunities!
Contest rules: No purchase necessary, must be 18 or older to enter. All entries must be submitted by September 30, 2017; winners will be announced and notified by email on October, 2, 2017. Winners will be chosen at random and prizes will be shipped to US addresses only. Void where prohibited. Prize value is $299 and prize may not be exchanged for cash or other merchandise.
More About:Car Safety