Be The Cool Mom With These Back to School Car Snacks

Back To School Snacks

School is almost back in session. Is your car pick up line ready and stocked with fun snacks? 

I can’t believe how fast summer is going. It feels as if the season just started a few weeks ago. Soon the kids will be back at school, if they’re not already, which means it’s time to stock up on after-school snacks.

It seems like the first thing kids ask about as soon as they get in the car is what snack they can have. Because keeping the car and snacks organized is important I make sure to keep the snacks stocked in a car storage organizer. We use the Diono Travel Pal Car Storage Organizer. The organizer is secured between my children in the back seats of my vehicle. This neat invention is perfect for carrying snacks while on-the-go.

Read More: Travel Snacks To Keep In The Car

Keeping Snacks On Hand

I quickly learned that I should be prepared with snacks in the car, especially if we weren’t heading home immediately from a long school day.

For some reason, those kids always appeared as though they were starving. Lol! Though, to be honest, I understood why: lunchtime for my kids were around 10:30 or 11:30 am, which is too early if they get out at 3:45 pm.

Read More: It’s Back To School Is Your Car Ready?

Snacks That The Kids Love

  • Peanut Butter Crackers
  • Fresh Frozen Grapes
  • Yogurt
  • Apple Sauces
  •  Sugar Free Pudding
  • Trail Mix
  • Gummie Bears

A Girls Guide To Cars | Be The Cool Mom With These Back To School Car Snacks - Img 7647Great After School Snacks For Car. Photo: Lisa Charleston

Just think if you had these great-tasting snacks and juice boxes/water on hand,  you won’t have to hear the kids screaming: “Mom when can we eat?!”, “Can we go home now?!”, “Mommy I’m hungry… and thirsty!”  Keeping the car packed with delicious snacks will help keep the hunger away.


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