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Safest Cars
March 13, 2023
Think older, steel-heavy cars are the safest cars? Think again: new tech, materials and safety systems make our lightweight, fuel-efficient…
A Girls Guide To Cars | What Drives Her: Steel Exec Jody Hall Knows The Importance Of Support - Jody Hall Smdi Feature Image
January 30, 2017
Jody Hall, vice-president of the Steel Market Development Industry, knows a thing or two about support. Support helped to build…
Volvo Autonomous Driving
January 24, 2017
The future is now, at least for one family: Volvo will demonstrate how safe its autonomous vehicles are, adding to…
Detroit Auto Show
December 26, 2016
The Detroit Auto Show hosts biggest gathering of auto world movers and shakers, and they're thinking about one thing: You.…
November 8, 2016
Think safety depends on your car being a heavy tank? Nope. Innovations in steel make today's cars stronger, more efficient…