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Electric Car Lifestyle
May 31, 2023
Wondering if an electric car can fit your busy lifestyle? We’ve got you covered. This is everything you need to know before going electric.
Electric Cars Better For The Environment
November 20, 2022
Are electric cars better for the environment than the other options we have? We walk you through what makes EVs eco-friendly.
Charging The Ford Lightning
November 20, 2022
Lost in the electric car lingo? We’ve got you covered. This electric car dictionary will tell you everything you need to know about EVs.
Future Of Electric Car Technology
November 19, 2022
Long ranges, efficient batteries, and charging ports that can talk to the electric grid? That’s the future of electric car technology, baby!
Electric Vehicles
November 18, 2022
BEV, PHEV, HEV? IDK! If you find yourself overwhelmed by all the options for alternative fuel on the market, we’ll run you through everything to know.
Electric Vehicles
August 13, 2021
Look into electric vehicles, and you’ll find people talking about how dangerous they are. We’ll run through everything you need to know here.
2016 Chevrolet Volt
January 28, 2015
Of course you want the best of all worlds: an efficient plug-in, one that won’t leave you stuck without power, and, luxury. Here you go (you’re welcome)
Ford Fusion Solar
March 14, 2014
SBC contributor Holly Reich talks about the greening of automotive, the green game-changers at the 2014 Washington DC Auto Show.
A Girls Guide To Cars | Hybrid Electric Plug-In Ev Ecoboost--What The What?!? - Cmax
October 9, 2012
Hybrid electric plug in cars: Where do you charge them? Are they all plug-ins? What if the battery dies? Can you have a gas engine too? Follow our easy guide