Changing Careers: I quit my job and now I’m doing THIS

A Girls Guide To Cars | Changing Careers: I Quit My Job And Now I’m Doing This - Liz Montano Toyota C Hr Featured Image

I’m not sitting in the passenger seat of my life. I’m taking the wheel! 

I quit my job last year. This was a HUGE move for me. I was working in the non-profit sector in youth development services and had been in that field for the past seven years of my life. This was not only my job, but my career. I even pursuedmy Masters in Public Administration because I wanted to support my career in non-profit management. So when I say I quit my Job, I actually left my career.

Shifting Gears: Ideas Inspire a New Direction

One day when I was getting ready for work the idea of “starting a blog,” came to my mind. All of these ideas starting racing in my head and I started to do research. I thought maybe I could start a blog to help take my mind off not wanting to be at work anymore. I told my husband and some close friends, and they were all so supportive, like “yes, this is a great idea.”

But I never started the blog. I was too distracted and hardly had any energy after work.

Further Reading: The Toyota C-HR puts tech and style right where you need it. 

Changing Careers

Finding Motivation to Take the First Step 

Anyone who knows me knows that I always have everything figured out. I always have my next move, or couple moves planned out. But not this time, I had nothing.

Then, on a small stay-cation to Palm Springs I realized that I needed to move on and do what was best for me. I wasn’t happy anymore. I wasn’t growing as a person anymore. I wasn’t motivated anymore.

Changing Careers Toyota C-Hr

Two Weeks Notice. And a Few Tears

It took so much courage to walk back into work after our stay-cation and put in my two weeks notice. Those next two weeks were probably the longest yet shortest two weeks ever. The first couple of days I could not hold back the tears.

A couple of months later I felt like myself again. I finally committed to eating healthy and working out as a lifestyle. I feel energized and motivated. And most importantly I am happy. And I started a blog, something I had been wanting to do since last year.

Further Reading: Do your accomplishments and courage deserve a reward? Discover the pampering in the 2019 Toyota Avalon

Changing Careers Takes Some Looking At Yourself And At The Road Ahead

And… Freedom Never Felt so Good

I look back and I am so glad I made that decision. It might have been the hardest decision I have ever made, but I know it was the right move.

Everyone deserves to be happy and if you have a dream, go out there and get it. Life is about taking risks.

Taking The First Steps To Happiness, May Involving You Shifting Gears And Putting Yourself Back Into The Drivers Seat.

