About Nicole Markson

Nicole Markson is an automotive deal expert, a graduate of The National Automobile Dealers Association NADA Dealer Candidate Academy, and founder of Auto Empowerment, a company dedicated to educating, inspiring and empowering women to take back financial power in their car deals. She has appeared as an automotive expert on ABC World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer, Nightline, CNBC’s The Closing Bell, and hosts the live weekly call in Radio Show “The Auto Lab" on New York’s 570 AM. Nicole will be featured in the forthcoming book “Successonomics” by Steve Forbes due out Spring 2014.

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A Girls Guide To Cars | How To Negotiate A New Car Deal: 10 Ways To Tip The Odds In Your Favor - Agirlsguidetocars Logotype Color Web Transparentbg 16X9 1
February 18, 2014
Negotiating for a car is more painful than a trip to the dentist. We get it. You can change all…