About Melanie Batenchuk

Melanie Batenchuk is the founder and editor of Be Car Chic. In 2009, she combined her unbridled passion for cars and writing to launch the blog dedicated to sharing industry news and automotive advice through the lens of her experience. Melanie’s passion for cars began around age 10, when her father and older brother had a 1972 Porsche 911 S restored. She sponged up the household car talk and her love for the industry grew from there. Melanie is recognized as a subject matter expert within the auto community, particularly in the areas of consumer advice and distracted driving. Her work has been published by Autoweek magazine, Mashable.com, MSN Autos, Jalopnik and various other websites.

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Hyundai Accent
August 14, 2014
See why this writer says the 2014 Hyundai Accent is the perfect car for teens.
Land Rover Discover Vision Concept
July 22, 2014
How does Google Glass feel? And what's it like to see a new car through new 'glass?' Melanie Batenchuk views…